Lone Star Bowhunters Association

Preserving and Promoting the Sport of Bowhunting Since 1974

LSBA Purpose

LSBA  Statement of Purpose

It is the purpose of the LSBA to be a non-profit organization whose membership consists of bowhunters and individuals interested in the sport of bowhunting who believe and agree:

  • That by reason of choice, bowhunting is an American heritage, and the ultimate aim of bowhunting is the taking of wild game with bow and arrow in a humane and sportsmanlike manner


  • To share with others their experience, knowledge and shooting skills


  • To be a conscientious bowhunter, promoting bowhunting by working to elevate its standards and the standards of those who practice the art of bowhunting


  • To provide training for others in safety, shooting skill and hunting techniques


  • To practice the wise use of our natural resources, the conservation of our wild game and the preservation of the natural habitat of wild game